Cups & Balls - vol. 2
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Cups & Balls med Michael Ammar video nr. 2 tager dig lige et step højere op i niveau. Denne video lærer dig hvordan du kan håndterer og junglerer med tryllestaven og boldene, så det kommer til at se elegant ud. Du lærer også en del andre super lækre tricks med bægerne - Michael Ammar er en af de dygtigste lærermestre du kan finde i verden. Han er super patentlig med at få alle detaljer med, så du er godt "klædt på" til når du skal ud og vise Cups & Balls for dine tilskuer.
På dette video download får du følgende tricks:
Volume Two
- Advanced Wand Vanishes
- Through the Fist
- Through the Hand #2
- The Mora/Vernon Wand Spin
- Striking Vanish
- The Drummer's Spin
- Opening the Routine
- Opening Positions
- One Ahead
- Two Ahead
- Three Ahead
- Four Ahead
- Other Options
- Opening Sequences
- One Ahead Return Opening
- One Ahead Penetration
Sequence - Three Ahead Production
Sequence - Ammar's Opening Production
- Body Sequences
Assembly - Miller - Sequence #1
- Miller - Sequence #2
- Classic Gathering in Middle
- All Gather One at a Time
- Three Gather on Tops of Cups
Volume Two (fortsat)
- Shower of Balls
- Click Move Sequence
- Two-None-Two Sequence
- Reappearing Inside a Nest
- Methods of Misdirection
- Standing or Sitting?
- Natural Pockets
- Special Pockets Pouches
- Edge of the Coat
- Sleeves
- Coordinated Timing of Both Hands
- Timing
- The Loading Hand
- Holding the Cup
- Ending Sequences
- Classic Elimination Sequence
- Vernon's Sophisticated Sequence
- Ending Rhythms
- Malini/Garcia1-2-3-4
- The Engaged Spectator Ending
- Creative Loading Systems
- Vernon Cups & Balls Routine
- What might Vernon have
done differently? - Now-here's what you do...