13 Step To Mentalism
Tony Corinda skrev og udgav nogle hæfter der omhandlede forskellige principper indenfor mentalismen. De blev i 1961 samlet og udgivet første gang som det vi kender som 13 Steps To Mentalism. Bogen er for de fleste kunstnere blevet betragtet som værende "Biblen" inden for mentalismen.
Richard Osterlind har lavet 6 discs med over 12 timers mentalisme fra bogen. Her gennemgår han de mange forskellige principper, samt snakker med sin medvært Jim Sisti omkring de forskellige tricks og tankerne bag. Mester mentalisten Richard Osterlind optræder for et live publikum med en del af trickene, bl. a. for at vise hvor stærke de er. Det er vigtigt at understrege, at selvom bogen og dette materiale har en del år på bagen, er det stadig noget af det grundlæggende inden for mental magien - der er mange professionelle kunstnere der stadig bruger materiale herfra.
Her kan du se hvad du får ved købet af dette download:
- Introduction to Corinda's 13 Steps to Mentalism
- Step One - Swami Gimmick
- Introduction
- Discussion of the Book
- Swami Gimmick - Discussion
- An Opening Effect
- A Stage Effect
- Dartboard Prediction
- A First Class Newspaper Effect
- Matches or Cigarettes
Disc 1 (fortsat)
- A Close-Up Quickie
- Living and Dead
- Step Two
- Pencil, Lip, Sound and Muscle Reading
- Introduction
- The Spectator as the Telepathist
- Just Chance (Impromptu)
- Ghost Deck
- Sujan Location
- Muscle Reading - Discussion
- Step Three - Mnemonics and Mental Systems
- Introduction
- The Amazing Memory Test
- A Day For Any Date
- Extraction of Cube Roots
- Magic Square
- Knight's Tour
- Simple Card Systems
- Step Four - Predictions
- Introduction
- What is a Prediction? - Discussion
- Predictions, Billet Knives, Pencils, and Indexes -
- Discussion
- A Million to One
- The £75,000 Test
- Astronomical
Disc 3 (fortsat)
- The Third Choice
- The Prophesy
- Hanging Prediction
- Step Five - Blindfold and X-Ray Eyes
- Introduction
- S ightless Vision Act
- Impromptu Test (performance only)
- Mental Masterpiece (Fogel's Newspaper Prediction)
- Step Six - Billets Introduction
- Billets - Discussion
- Center Tear
- Jaks' Crystal Locket
- Three Little Questions
- Great Minds Think Alike
- Step Seven - Book Tests
- Introduction
- A Classic Swindle
- My Word
- A Lesson in Mentalism
- The Missing Link
- The Crossword Puzzle
- Step Eight - Two-Person Telepathy
- Introduction
- Two-Person Telepathy
- Step Nine - Mediumistic Stunts
- Introduction
- Mediumistic Stunts
- Cold Hand
- Zarkamorta II
- Spirit Slates
Disc 5 (fortsat)
- Step Ten - Card Tricks
- Introduction
- Photo Memory
- Incredible Slate Test
- Teleprognos
- Birds of a Feather
- Blind Coincidence
- Two Minds
- Before Your Very Eyes
- Step Eleven - The Question and Answer Act
- Introduction
- The Question and Answer Act
- Step Twelve - Publicity Stunts
- Introduction
- Publicity Stunts - Discussion
- Step Thirteen - Patter and Presentation
- Introduction
- Patter and Presentation - Discussion